Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Philosophy is where we go to understand what a good life is. It literally means love of wisdom (philo & sophia).

Wisdom is the moral intelligence that lets us make wise or unwise decisions on the playing field of raw survival. It helps us to survive; stockbrokers, Ephesians have their wisdoms, and all to the purpose of living a good life.

Courses like Land and Liberation bring cultivates

also elevates us What stockbrokers call wisdom Ephesians would not. call sin, but is not the same as what Christians or "Wisdom" for stockbrokers i Christians word that conjures image of elders counseling the young, teaching them the tools come to mind? The make decisions that affect ourselves and others we call upon wisdom. Wisdom is moral, and it is the awareness that we fit into a larger pattern. The wise person--the lover of wisdom--knows how to live a good life.

The reason Biocitizen teaches environmental philosophy instead of regular philosophy has everything to do with our moment in history. Like no other generation before us, we are burdened with the task of reducing our negative impacts upon the environment. I am in favor of efforts by our government, universities and corporations to re-design inefficient technologies as a way of reducing our impacts, but I don't believe that doing things like driving electric cars is going to create a sustainable economy. What worries me is that devoting too many precious resources to finding technologic fixes to the problems caused by technology might be a waste, when the most important fix of all is the one that realigns our intelligence of what and who we are, and how we fit into environment.